Tuesday, December 1, 2015

What 2015 was to me.


So, we're nearing the end of 2015 and this time of year naturally brings a lot of people to reflect upon the last 11 months. I'm no different.
It has been a tough year for the world and my tiny country. The attacks in Paris hit really close to home, as the masterminds behind it where a mere two-hour drive away from where I live. Scary stuff.

So scary even the teachers' in my kids' school lock the doors behind them whenever they pass through the school. Personally it's been quite the year too. At the end of 2014 I found out I had two herniated discs. I've explained the whole process in a previous post. Found here, for those interested.

Read more here.

Since then I've done some intensive physical therapy and I even started working again. Thankfully half-time, cause I really feel my neck when I get back. I was completely stressed out to start working again. As per usual, I worried too much and a couple of months later I really aced my performance review. Boss even gave me a raise :D

I also started streaming on the 3rd of march. Ten days prior to my operation. This descision has altered my life greatly. I still stream, whenever I find a pocket of time. It has also enabled me to talk to people I would have never met otherwise and with some of them I talk daily, like my girl Simmerplayer27. You are always so supportive and sweet. I love you my friend!

The most remarkable thing that happened to both my husband and me this year, was meeting Wiraqucha. On a certain day, I started playing Mass Effect 3 multiplayer on stream. It was just Ken and I, struggling to complete a mission as a duo, on silver difficulty. He said, hey, put it gold, I'll join. We were terrified, but he turned out to be really good at it. We started playing together more frequently and talking on Skype. We had a lot of things in common and we became friends fast.
He even visited us over the summer, we had a great week. Luggage was lost, castles were visited, burgers from hell eaten and trippy mini-golf played. He's also a great cook!
You are the brother we got to choose! Thanks for putting up with us, we do love you, even when we're blasting each other. (Ok, that's quite enough sap.)

This year, my dear nephew Floran also got his operation. I wrote a lot about it here, and if you haven't read it, please click the links below.

Post 1
Post 2: Update!

And allow me to update you live, right now!

Floran is in full revalidation! He's learning how to walk again, slowly, very slowly. He's also allowed to spend every other weekend at home. Here are some pictures of his progress.

He's making big strides, with the positivism only kids seem to possess. Big shout-out of appreciation to his parents, who went through hell and back. They still have a long road ahead of them, but I truly admire their dedication. Surely, they have moments when they feel low, that makes us human.

So the coming month will prove to be a busy one. I'm in food retail, so you can imagine we have our busiest days ahead of us. While it's hard work, it's also the time of year people are generally in good spirits. They are aware that waiting times at the cash register might be a touch longer, despite our best efforts.

So it's Sinterklaas (local holiday), Christmas, both my brother's and son's birthday coming up. Bye sweet money, I will miss you!
Roll on 2016, but don't forget to enjoy the rest of 2015 as well. Time starts to fly once you get older.


  1. Lovely post! The rough times are really rough but you are a strong woman and you are getting and will get through them all! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and an awesome new year too <3

  2. How very kind Cali, thank you! I wish you the same!


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