Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My Sims 4 screenies from Creators Camp.

So I got them, so without further ado.

Here are some of the houses I built. I tried some different styles to see what would work.

My first one was a modern try, but I don't seem to have the screen of it anymore.

Moving on to my bigger house. Country/craftsman style. To see what styles I could make with the basegame :D Click the image for a bigger size.

 A screen from the inside. As you can see, I struggled with the room dimensions. I made them way too big. We're all newbies in this game!

My second one was a Mid Century Modern. I forgot to bump up to the top floor when I took the screen, so the top layer of tile isn't showing. This is where the eave adjustment came in handy. I could extend it right through the stone pillar. Creating that Mid Century feel :D

Here's one of my hyper modern bunch of blocks build. It's silly, but it does show off the fountain tool, which can be used to create 'faux' pools for the moment. Also a look at the mirror selection. It's a good mix of styles.

My last house is a froufrou little Painted Lady house. This was a fun little build. I couldn't make the roofing dance for me yet, but I guess I have a lot of practice before me :D Also, the rock selections. These guys come in three colors. Grey, reddish and darkish (I don't remember the precise ones ;) )

Here are some random views from the family I played once I tore myself away from building.
The first one is in their bedroom. It shows of the better routing. The Sims can enter their bed. Both of them, even in that narrow space! :D

This here has to be my favorite item in the game. He's so cute. Chompy the Monsta, but he wants to be friendly. <3 p="">

My Sims are such slobs! Great place to put that plate guys! Another Chompy cameo!

And another. Obsessed much yes? Edit: Also, tv stands! :D

And lookie here! Babies! And you can pick em right up, hug and cuddle them. And guess what? They don't leave them on the floor!

Oh, and I believe a friend of mine was able to adopt just fine.

Oh and here's a shot from the career selection screen :D The list isn't full, but the last one is the Secret Agent, which I had highlighted.

There go you guys! :D Hopefully they were of some use!

I got asked about my bad screenie. Guess one can see some of the toys in the catalog!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing! Your pics are some of the best I've seen. I have 2 questions if you don't mind answering?
    The baby looks like it shows up in the household Sims panel. Can you check its needs? And second, where the toys all décor (except the dolls house) or where they usable (especially the toy car)? Thanks.

    1. Hey there! Not able to check it's needs I'm afraid. I haven't played far enough to establish anything about the toys. They are under a special kids tab and the Chompy toy could be picked up by adults, so I guess they are playable, but don't quote me on that :D For I don't know for sure :D

  2. Are babies more toddlerish? I know toddlers were cut, so do babies have more actions that remove the need for toddlers?

    1. They have a few more interactions, but you can't compare them to the Sims 3 toddlers. Need is relative. As mostly a builder, I'm not too bothered one way or another. Everyone has to decide that for themselves of course.

  3. They are amazing dear Sara! Thank You so very much for sharing everything with us dear!

    1. Very welcome! I'm glad for the chance to share what I've learned :D

  4. Oh Fire Fighter would be a good job for Derick dear!

  5. Your screenshots are clear. What graphics settings did you use?

    1. I have no idea, the computers were provided by EA. They are pretty crisp indeed!

  6. Do the children have a swing or slide we can buy in the game?

    1. My memory fails me there. There are the monkey bars, but I can't recall other things. Mainly because I didn't get to the child age ;)

  7. I love your buildings :) de first one is awesome :D

  8. Thanks for sharing!! You got some beautiful screenshots. I love your use of the fountain tool on your second to last house. I thought it was a pool for a second and EA had you all foolin' us, haha. But really, it shows the versatility of the tool which is reassuring.

    You also have the only full frontal shot of the baby I've seen. So thank you for that!! I've heard some people complaining about the way they look but I have to say I have no idea what they're talking about! The babies are looking way better than ts3 in my opinion.

    1. Very welcome! And anything beats the Burrito babies right? :D The fountain tool is pretty good and should tide us over until/if pools arrive.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing your screenshots, Sara! For the first time, I'm getting a little excited about Sims 4!! <3

    1. Oh sweetie! I'm happy to hear it :D It doesn't deserve all the flack it gets. It will be fun! :D

  10. Thank you so much for posting these! Happy to see the fountains can fudge for pools. Love your creations! I recently reordered my cancelled preorder so I'm hoping this game doesn't disappoint.

    1. We each have to determine that for ourselves. I can just offer my point of view of course :D

  11. Thanks so much for your insights and for your screenies! I wish I could have been with you and Ruthy, sounds like you had great fun.


    1. You are so welcome my dear! You there would have been the icing on the cake!

  12. Are you completely sure that there's adoption in this game? Maybe you should ask your friend to make sure.

  13. I saw someone said that if you resize the object in Buy Mode, they resize. But if you go back to Live Mode, they reset to its original size. Is this true?

    1. Well, the only thing I resized with Sims on lot was chompy and he just stayed big. It resets when you upload your house/Sims I believe, if memory serves.

  14. Thank you for sharing . I love it :D

  15. Looks great dear Sara !! Thanks for sharing :D

  16. Great houses, Sara! I love that Mid Century modern. I'm looking forward to trying it out.

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